In 2001, representatives of major refractory companies formed an international association of manufacturers from the Czech and Slovak Republics. The association was founded as an interest association of legal entities, whose main objective is to defend the interests of manufacturers of refractories and to seek solutions to all challenges in the common problems of our industry. The members of the association are focused on increasing competitiveness in the framework of continuous development of their activities. Together they coordinate and implement solutions and find new solutions. They strengthen their market position through the effective use of their common human and knowledge potential. All joint meetings and activities are based on a friendly basis.
The Association of Czech and Slovak Refractories Manufacturers – ACSVŽ is a member of the European Federation of Refractories Manufacturers – PRE, based in Brussels. Founded in 1953, PRE is also a non-profit organisation representing manufacturers from 16 countries across Europe and individual members – the largest European producers of refractories.
PRE represents the interests of its members within the legislative and standardisation framework of the European Union and its activities are aimed at achieving its objectives through cooperation with the European Institutions (European Commission, European Parliament and European Council) and a wide range of partners such as the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), Confederation of European Business (Business Europe) and other associations such as Eurofer (steel industry) CEMBUREAU (cement industry), CEFIC (chemical industry), IMA-Europe (minerals industry), Euromines (mining industry),
PRE is a member of Cerame-Unie, representing the European ceramics industry. Cerame-Unie represents more than 2000 manufacturers from all over Europe.
Founding members:
- Dinas Banská Belá, a.s., Banská Belá, SR
- Keravit, s.r.o., Ostrava – Vítkovice, ČR
- LOVINIT, a.s., Lovinobaňa, SR
- Moravské keramické závody a.s., Rájec – Jestřebí, ČR
- Moravské šamotové a lupkové závody a.s., Velké Opatovice, ČR
- Refractory Slovakia, s.r.o., Košice, SR
- REFRASIL, s.r.o., Třinec – Konská, ČR
- SILIKE s.r.o., Praha, ČR
- Slovenské magnezitové závody, a.s., Jelšava, SR
- SLOVMAG, a.s., Lubeník, SR
- ŠAMO, s.r.o., Liberec, ČR
- ZEOLIT Kladno s.r.o., Kladno, ČR
- ŽÁROHMOTY, s.r.o., Třemošná, ČR
- ŽIAROMAT a.s., Kalinovo, SR